Adding to this documentation

This documentation uses Sphinx. It is generated from the reStructuredText sources in docs/*.rst. See reStructuredText Primer for to learn reStructuredText (very easy to learn the basics).

How to build the docs

This is explained in at the root of the git repo.

How to add a new file to the documenation

  • Add a new .rst-file in docs/<subdirectory>/, where <subdirectory> is the part of the project where the new document belongs.
  • Add the filename without .rst to a toctree in docs/<subdirectory>/index.rst

Language and file naming

  • Write everything in English.
  • Use english lowercase letters and no spaces to name the .rst-files. Use - or _ instead of spaces.

Linking to issues and wiki pages on github

You can link to issues and wiki pages using the following syntax:

:issue:`<issue number>`
:wikipage:`<page name>`



This is handled by the extlinks Sphinx extension